American Indian Bibliography


Banks, W. J. Storytelling as a tool for providing holistic care to women. MCN: American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 21(1):20-24, 1999

Bernard, J. Political leadership among North American Indians. Americn Journal of Sociology. 34: 296-315, 2002.

Boufford, J. I, & Lee, P.R. Federal programs and Indian country: A time for reinvention. Public Health Reports. 113(1), p. 34, 1998.

Brown, A. J. The meaning of respect: A First Nations perspective. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 27(4), pp. 95-109, 1995.

Cote, C. Historical foundations of Indian sovereignty in Canada and the United States : A brief overview. American Review of Canadian Studies 2001, 31(1-2): 15-23, spring-summer, 2001.

Good Tracks, J. G. Native American noninterference. Social Casework, 18(Nov.):30-34, 1973

Hill, N. S. A community road ahead: American Indian leadership 2000. Winds of Change, 10(2): 22-23, 1995.

Holkup, P. A. Big changes in the Indian Health Service: are nurses aware? Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 13(1): 47-53, 2002.

Jules, F. Native Indian leadership. Canadian Journal of Native Education. 15(3):3-23, 1988.

Keway, L.S. Leadership roles of Native American women in education in the 1990's. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities & Social Sciences. 58-(5-A), 1997.

Koenig, J. M. Using storytelling as an approach to teaching and learning with diverse students. Journal of Nursing Education. 41(9): 393-399 2002.

Kunitz, S. J. Public health then and now: The history and politics of UShealth care for American Indians and Alaska Natives. American Journal of Public Health, 86(10): 1464-1473, 1996.

Kutenai, K.. A Native-American nurse's view. Advanced Practice Nursing Quarterly, 2(2): 59-61. 1996.

Lowe, J. & Struthers, R. Profession and society. Conceptual framework of nursing in Native American culture. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 33(3): 279- 283, 2001.

Moiden, N. Evolution of Leadership in Nursing. Nursing Management. 9(7): 20-25, 2002.

Moses, L.G., Wilson , R. Indian Lives: Essays on Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Native American Leaders. [Book Review] Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press. 227, 1985.

Napier, L.A. Educational profiles of nine gifted American Indian women and their own stories about wanting to lead. Roeper Review. 18(1): 38, Sept 1995.

Nichols, Lee Anne. Native American Nurse Leadership, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 15(3): 177-183, July 2004 . DOI: 10.1043659604265119

Nichols, L. A., Lowe, J., & Parker, J. G. _Researching with respect. Minority Nurse. Summer, pp. (2002).

Parker, J.G., Haldane, S.L., Keltner, B.R., Strickland, C.J., Tom-Orme, L. National Alaska Native American Indians Nurses Association: Reducing health disparities within American Indian and Alaska Native Populations. Nursing Outlook 50(1): 16-23, 2002.

Parker, J. & Nichols, L. A. Tribes know best. Minority Nurse. Summer pp. 88-87, 2001.

Prindeville, D. M. & Gomex, T. B.. American Indian women leaders, public policy, and the importance of gender and ethnic identity. Women & Politics. 20(2):17-32, 1999.

Rougideaux, Y. Perspectives on American Indian health. American Journal of Public Health. 92 (9):1401-1403, 2002.

Sanchez, J. and Stuckey, M. E. Communicating culture through leadership: One view from Indian country. Communication Studies. 50(2): 103-115, 1999, summer.

Sanchez, J. & Stuckey, M. E.. Communicating culture through leadership: One view from Indian country. Communication Studies. 50(2):103-115, 1999.

Schmieding, N. J. Minority nurses in leadership positions: A call for action. Nursing Outlook. 48(3):120-127, 2000.

Struthers, R. & Littlejohn, S. The essence of Native American nursing. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 10(2):131-135, 1999.

Tollefson, K. and Abbott, M. L. Snoqualmie ethnicity: Community and continuity. The American Indian Quarterly. 22(4):415-431, 1998 Fall.

Tracks, J.G.G. Native American Non-interference. Social Work. 18.30-34, 1973.

Upvall, M. J. Nursing perspectives of American Indian healing strategies. Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health. 3(1): 29-34, 1997.

Weaver, H. N. Examining two facets of American Indian identity: Exposure to other cultures and the influence of historical trauma. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. 2(1.2):19-33. (1999).

Wangberg, L.D. The relationship of policy preferences and value orientations among Indian tribal leaders and Anglo administrators on four North Dakota reservations. Dissertation Abstracts International. 34(7 -A) 1974.

Weaver, H. N. Transcultural nursing with Native Americans: Critical knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 10(3): 197-202, 1999.

Wilkins, D. E. 'With the greatest respect and fidelity': A Cherokee vision of the 'trust' doctrine. The Social Science Journal. 34(4): 495-510, 1997.

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